Little Blue Penguin Bishopdale

Kaiako at Little Blue Penguin are caring professionals who are there to offer gentle, respectful guidance for children through quality, responsive interactions and a collaborative ‘community’ approach to teaching and learning.

At Little Blue Penguin Bishopdale, our exceptional team of educators is committed to providing the best care and education for tamariki. With diverse skills ranging from fostering creativity to promoting emotional well-being, our team creates a supportive environment where every child can explore, learn, and flourish.

Kristie Hack
Kristie is our Bishopdale manager working with and alongside the team to create a quality programme. Kristie ensures that our kaiako, tamariki and their whānau have a strong sense of belonging.

Rebekah Carr
Head Teacher & Nursery Kaiako
Rebekah brings warmth and expertise to every aspect of LBP. Rebekah prioritises creating a secure and loving environment where our tamariki and kaiako can thrive.

Heidi Owers
Nursery Kaiako
Heidi prioritises developing trusting relationships and partnerships with children and their parents/whānau. She has a very calm, kind, warm, and gentle approach.

Georgia Bavington
Nursery Kaiako
Georgia provides a nurturing environment, creating opportunities to get to know tamariki on a deep level. Noticing their special cues and implementing a needs-based programme.

India Whyte
Nursery Kaiako
India is a nurturing and empathetic kaiako who creates a warm and secure environment for our nursery tamariki. She has a deep understanding of attachment theory and responsive caregiving practices.

Sue Ward
Preschool Kaiako
Sue provides wonderful learning experiences and group activities; the tamariki love her mat times. She values the environments role in children’s learning and development.

Mara Zhang
Preschool Kaiako
Mara is a passionate kaiako who prioritises respectful, responsive and supportive relationships, while celebrating diversity. She has a real community focus, promoting links between home and centre.

Katie Pattenden
Preschool Kaiako
Katie is an exceptional preschool kaiako, demonstrating a passion for inquiry-based learning, fostering curiosity and critical thinking skills in tamariki.

Bryana Ryan
Preschool Kaiako (Mat. Leave Cover)
Bryana is a dedicated preschool kaiako with innovating teaching strategies and a strong emphasis on social-emotional development. She cultivates a supportive and inclusive learning environment.